Well, for everyone who felt like they wouldn’t make it, you survived! Here we are in 2020, the start of a new decade that’s sure to be filled with so much more excitement and spectacularity than the last.

With that in mind, we here at Spousetivities are very excited to share what we already have planned for this upcoming year, and to discover what opportunities still lie ahead.
The first event we already have confirmed for 2020 is Oktane20, which will be our second collaboration with Okta to bring Spousetivities in a new and immersive way. If you’re planning to be there, make sure to register early! Registration is already open, so don’t forget to snatch your spots before you run out of time.

Oktane20 is set to run March 30, 2020 to April 2, 2020, but Spousetivities will be running events from March 29, 2020 to April 1, 2020, so be sure to double check your dates and times when you’re putting them in your calendar to avoid any mishaps, delays, or frustrations on your trip.
As for events outside of Oktane, be sure to keep an eye out for Spousetivities at VMworld US and VMworld Europe. We have been at these conferences for many years now, and we plan to continue providing Spousetivities for as long as we can. Stay tuned for dates, events, and more for these conferences as the year progresses.
If you haven’t already, now is the perfect time to add yourself to our mailing list, so you’ll be the first to know when new updates are posted on our website. Just enter your email below:
As of right now, Spousetivities doesn’t have confirmation to be at any other events or conferences, but as always, if you or someone you know has an event they’d like us at, or a connection we should hear about, let us know! Just contact Crystal, our owner and Director of Operations, with details.
We’re looking forward to celebrating 2020, and all of its possibilities, with you. Our company wouldn’t be possible without your help. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to follow us on social media, and maybe share us with a friend. Thanks again for all you do.